Imagine the sound of a old piano playing in the background
The song: Happy Birthday
Played as a beginner
41 years passed by
No cake, no gift,
No happy birthday wishes
Blood drawn for more tests
Family, Friends, and loved ones
All forgot
Does a birthday even matter?
Do I?
Perhaps not for the most part
Another day
Another year
Time vested
Time wasted
Wishing, dreaming, hoping, trying
Working, sleeping, laughing, crying
This year 3 people got the day wrong (early birthday wishes, better than none!)
Only 1 actually remembered. My own mother.
Of course she would, she birthed me and was by my side so much this year with me being hospitalized, cancer diagnosis, surgery/recovery, and now the Chemo journey. I can't even imagine how she has felt watching me, her only daughter go through this. She's not perfect, but she's the exact mom I needed through all of this. Thankful for my mom!
Bless her!
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